Neuhaus Castle

Neuhaus Castle is amost imperceptible from the bottom of the valley, only its donjon rises into the sky. The castle was first mentioned in the 13th century (strictly speaking in 1228) and it probably was constructed as border fortress for the Counts of Tyrol as shelter from the Counts of Bolzano. In the second half of the 13th century slightly below the castle a custom station was built. However, soon the custom station and the fortress started dwindling in importance, as Bolzano was occupied by Meinhard II without cease.

It is presumed that Margarethe von Maultasch loved to spend some time at this castle when she was Countess of Tyrol, but unfortunately this is undocumented. For this reason, in common parlance this ruin is also referred to as “Maultasch Castle”.

In the period of time between 1382 to 1559 the Lords of Niedertor of Bolzano resided in the castle, while the Lords of Wolkenstein-Trostburg did so until 1733.

The Counts of Enzenberg had the castle consolidatd and in parts renovated. Today Castel Neuhaus is a popular excursion destination, as it is also ideal for families and even for prams.

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